Vanessa Soriano Power Receives Outstanding Contribution to Women in the Law Award
SEATTLE- Seattle, WA — Stoel Rives LLP is pleased to announce that partner Vanessa Soriano Power was selected by the Law Women’s Caucus of the University of Washington School of Law to receive the Outstanding Contribution to Women in the Law award. This award honors female University of Washington law graduates who show leadership and excellence in their areas of practice and provide invaluable mentorship for current students.
The Law Women’s Caucus is dedicated to raising awareness about women in law--both as professionals in the field and as subjects of the law. They provide support to law students through mentorship programs, informational workshops, networking and service.
Power is a partner in the firm's Litigation practice group and has a broad range of trial and appellate experience representing clients in state and federal courts in disputes involving commercial contracts, class actions, intellectual property rights, initiatives and referenda, employment, and trusts and estates. In addition to her work with students in the Law Women’s Caucus, Power serves on the Board of Directors for Crosscut Public Media and formerly served on the Boards of the Washington Appleseed Center for Law in the Public Interest and Legal Voice.
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