Sacramento Water Rights Attorney Janelle Krattiger Selected for 2022 ‘California Water Leaders’ Program

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SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Stoel Rives LLP is pleased to announce that water rights and natural resources law associate​​​ Janelle Krattiger has been selected for the 2022 California Water Leaders program. Water L​eaders is an application-based program designed to deepen class members’ knowledge on water, enhance their individual leadership skills, and prepare them to take an active and cooperative approach to decision-​making about water resource issues.

The California Water Leaders program was founded by the nonprofit Water Education Foundation in 1997 and to date has had more than 400 graduates. Each class comprises approximately 20 participants, each of whom is in their early to mid-career and from various stakeholder groups and across California.

Beginning in January 2022, Krattiger and the other class members began participating in a variety of required activities, which will start with class orientation and culminate with attendance at the Foundation’s Board of Directors’ meeting late in the year, at which they will present the class’s policy recommendations. Each class member is also paired with a mentor who is a policymaker or member of a leading stakeholder group. More information on the program can be found here.

Krattiger primarily focuses on water rights and natural resources law, advising her clients on matters regarding regulatory compliance, including with state and federal Clean Water Acts, state and federal Endangered Species Acts (CESA and ESA), California Environmental Quality Act and National Environmental Policy Act, and Sustainable Groundwater Management Act. She represents clients before various local, state, and federal agencies, including counties, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, State Water Resources Control Board, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, and Bureau of Land Management.​

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