Webinar: Sustainable Groundwater Management Act - Part 3: Navigating Upcoming Deadlines for Statewide Formation of GSAs and GSPs

Speaking Engagement

Please join Stoel Rives LLP and Panorama Environmental, Inc. at noon Pacific time on Wednesday, March 29, 2017, for an update on the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA). Sharing their insights will be water lawyer Wes Miliband and environmental consultants from Panorama Environmental. Given the pending changes to groundwater regulation in the State of California, groundwater users should be assessing risks and implementing strategies that protect their interests.

This content is developed for private landowners—individuals and entities—and public agencies that either directly produce groundwater themselves or rely upon another individual or entity to deliver groundwater for use.

This webinar is the third of a four-part series, with this part focused on:

  • Update on formation around the state of Groundwater Sustainability Agencies
  • Recently adopted regulations for Groundwater Sustainability Plans and Best Management Practices
  • Why property owners should participate in the groundwater regulatory process and what property owners can do to protect their interests

The upcoming final webinar for this series is anticipated to cover:

  • Part 4: SGMA Update on Status of GSAs and GSPs, and Risk Management Strategies (TBD 2017)

Sustainable Groundwater Management Act - Part 3: Navigating Upcoming Deadlines for Statewide Formation of GSAs and GSPs
When: Wednesday, March 29, Noon - 1:00 p.m. Pacific (Rescheduled from February 28, 2017)
Where: Webinar
Cost: Complimentary for clients and friends of Stoel Rives LLP and Panorama Environmental, Inc.

Questions? Please contact events@stoel.com.

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Media Contact

Jamie Moss (newsPRos)
Media Relations
w. 201.493.1027 c. 201.788.0142

Mac Borkgren
Director of Marketing Operations

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