Hiring to Termination: A Three-Part Series on HR Best Practices - Session Two

Speaking Engagement
Seattle, WA

Please join Stoel Rives attorneys Keelin Curran, Karin Jones, and Chris Wall for an interactive three-part series focused on the major stages of employee management: hiring, retention, and termination. This seminar is designed to give attendees the opportunity to ask questions and engage with our presenters and other HR professionals. Please see below for a detailed agenda and registration information.

SESSION TWO: Employee Performance Management
(September 21)

  • Employees’ use of social media and employee privacy issues
  • Handling difficult conversations and effectively addressing tricky topics with employees

September 21, 2016
8:00 to 8:30 a.m.
Registration and Breakfast
8:30 to 9:30 a.m.

Stoel Rives LLP
600 University Street, Suite 3600
Seattle, WA 98101

We will validate parking in the Union Square garages.

If you have any questions or need additional information, please email events@stoel.com.

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Media Contact

Jamie Moss (newsPRos)
Media Relations
w. 201.493.1027 c. 201.788.0142

Mac Borkgren
Director of Marketing Operations

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