Forward Planning: New Legislation and Residential Mapping Strategies Explained
Please join Stoel Rives attorney Sylvia Arostegui and Inman Law Group’s Bruce Inman as they present Forward Planning: New Legislation and Residential Mapping Strategies Explained on Tuesday, March 10, at Granite Bay Golf Club in Granite Bay, California, for the North State Building Industry Association.
Arostegui will address the new rent control and related legislation and how it impacts multifamily developments. Inman will cover mapping strategies that save money by using common-use easements, row houses, and duet/half-plex legal configurations to streamline the development process and minimize the burdens associated with homeowners associations.
Presented by North State BIA
Sponsored by Stoel Rives LLP
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
9:00 to 11:00 a.m.
Granite Bay Golf Club
9600 Golf Club Drive
Granite Bay, CA 95746